March... all a bit last minute!
Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern Großes Haus, Gera March was a surprising amount of travel and jumping in to help out with some orchestras. In...
A rather full April...
Hello Everyone! April has been crazy! I have only 14 days at home this month and the rest of the time I have been off travelling Europe...
The Last Jamaica Blog
Hi Folks, So I am finally back home! I arrived yesterday after a crazy two days of travel via Montego Bay, Atlanta, Amsterdam, Berlin and...
Jamaica Blog 2
Good evening! I have just returned from a really inspiring afternoon of teaching with the kids from the youth orchestra. Today we were...
Greetings from Jamaica!
Good morning from Jamaica! I have finally caught up with my sleep after being awake for 44 hours to get here. Yesterday began with a...
More Traveling, An Interesting Lecture and some new experiences
Greetings from Innsbruck! This week I was once again up in Germany (Deutsche Bahn are doing very well out of me these past few months!)....
Traveling, Brahmsing and Recording
Greetings from a rather cold Bremen! This week has seen quite a lot of time on the train. 32 hours to be precise... The past weekend was...